Finfeather Lake
© Bert Frenz, 1997
Finfeather Lake has been the scene of a long history of environmental pollution dumped from an old chemical plant that produced pesticides for cotton crops. The water and surrounding land contained arsenic in alarming proportions. Yet the small body of water has also been a haven for ducks, geese and other water loving creatures. Most of our wintering duck species have appeared on the lake at one time or another, including Hooded Merganser. Green Herons nest on the shoreline in summer and Common Snipe use it in winter. The lake is just a bit over a mile from Country Club Lake, so combine that birding site with this one.
Exiting from the parking lot at Astin Recreation Area (Country Club Lake) at the intersection of Rountree and S. College Ave, turn left (north) onto College. Travel one-half mile to Carson, turn left and continue another half mile to Fountain Av just before the railroad tracks. Turn right and then another right onto Atkins. Park on the gravel turn at the end of the road. From here you can walk along the railroad tracks to view the lake.