A Birder's Guide to Belize

Google Earth
a toolkit for A Birder's Guide to Belize

Elevation profile

Go to "paths - trails GREEN"

Double click "Mt. Margaret elevation profile", but do not check the box

Make sure the checkbox for "paths - highways ORANGE" is checked

Google Earth will reposition to the peak.  So few climbers have hiked to the top that the peak is not accurately know, but two web sources for the peak are shown.  The orange path in the upper right is Hummingbird Highway.

Now, in the Places list, right click on "Mt. Margaret elevation profile" and select "Show Elevation Profile."

The chart shows the elevation gain from Hummingbird Highway (on the left side) to the peak and beyond.  Although the direct line distance from highway to peak is only a bit over one mile, for a very good hiker it would take a day to reach the top.

This path also produces an interesting TOUR.  Try it by clicking

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  Website created by Bert Frenz.  Last updated January 23, 2012.