A Birder's Guide to Belize

Web Links

Belize Audubon Society - details about the many national parks and other reserves managed by this non-governmental membership organization. www.belizeaudubon.org

Belize Birder Resources - maintained by Lee Jones, it includes recent sightings, current news, and reports from the recently formed Belize Bird Records Committee (BBRC).

Belize Raptor Research Institute - active organization focused on Belize raptor research and conservation.  www.belizeraptorresearch.org

BERDS - Biodiversity & Environmental Resource Data System of Belize - maintained by Jan Meerman, a resource for information on protected areas, habitats, and the flora and fauna of Belize. www.biodiversity.bz

Wildtracks - management of three reserves in Corozal District: Fireburn Reserve, Balam Na Reserve, and Corozal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.

A Scarlet Macaw Adventure - play-by-play report of a scientific expedition to study macaws in the wild.


  Website created by Bert Frenz.  Last updated June 07, 2013.