A Birder's Guide to Belize

Doyle's Delight

Description: Chiquibul National Park includes Doyle’s Delight—the highest point in Belize, supporting cloud forest habitat, yet inaccessible but for a few scientific explorations facilitated by helicopter transportation. This is the only zone of montane broad-leaved wet forest (BFM3) in Belize.  Although prior visits to Doyle’s Delight were by helicopter, in June 2008 six hikers tackled the mountain on a seven-day hike.  Photos and story can be found at http://www.summitpost.org/trip-report/446324/Doyle-s-Delight-summit-from-Belize.html.

Doyle’s Delight key species: Solitary Eagle, Black-and-white Hawk-Eagle, Violet Sabrewing, Brown Violetear, Black-crested Coquette, Stripe-tailed Hummingbird, Tody Motmot, Keel-billed Motmot, Emerald Toucanet, Tawny-throated Leaftosser, Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner, Spotted Woodcreeper, Slaty Antwren, Nightingale Wren, Slate-colored Solitaire, White-throated Thrush, Common Bush-Tanager, Shining Honeycreeper, White-winged Tanager, Elegant Euphonia.

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  Website created by Bert Frenz.  Last updated January 18, 2012.